10 Ways to Cultivate a Love for Missions in Kids
There are steps we can take to inspire our children to love the nations and embrace the cause of Christ. While a heart for the Great Commission is ultimately something only God can bestow, we can actively nurture their awareness and involvement. Here are some practical ideas from Ryan and Anna, who are preparing to serve in Asia with their two young daughters:
1. Pray for missionaries as a family.
Keep a stack of prayer cards on your dinner table and rotate through them during mealtime prayers.
2. Introduce your children to missionary biographies.
Stories of missionary pioneers like Hudson Taylor, Adoniram Judson, William Carey, and Gladys Aylward are captivating and help children focus on life’s most meaningful priorities.
3. Involve your family in financially supporting missionaries.
Teach your kids early on that good stewardship includes giving toward missions. Older kids can contribute earnings from lawn mowing or babysitting, while younger ones can save money earned from household chores to support missionaries.
4. Find a missionary kid (MK) pen pal for your child.
Children of missionaries often love receiving letters from peers in their home culture. Your child can learn about life abroad from a young perspective, and when the missionaries visit your church, they’ll already have a meaningful connection.
5. Host missionaries in your home.
Invite missionaries over for dinner or even host them during their furlough. It will be a blessing both to your family and the missionaries.
6. Take risks as a family.
Demonstrate through action that discomfort and sacrifice are part of the Christian experience. Volunteer at a rescue mission, provide housing for a single mother, move to an underserved area, or take part in mission trips together.
7. Encourage your children’s gifts with missions in mind.
As your kids grow in skills and knowledge, help them envision how their talents could serve missions work. If God calls them to go, be ready to release them with encouragement.
8. Raise global-minded Christians.
Broaden your children’s perspectives by exposing them to international news, geography, world history, and the challenges and stories of people around the globe.
9. Read missionary prayer letters together.
Share updates from missionaries with your children, ask questions about their work, and explore facts about their location online.
10. Use missions-focused resources.
Incorporate tools like Operation World, the Joshua Project, and Voice of the Martyrs into your family’s learning. The Kids of Courage resources from VOM include activity books and spotlights on the persecuted church tailored for young audiences.
Above all, pray daily that your children’s hearts will reflect God’s compassion for the nations and His desire for His glory to be known throughout the world.