Pray for India.

We believe prayer is the first work of missions. Prayer brings the love of Christ to places and people the Gospel has yet to reach, preparing hearts to hear the Good News! Check out the ways you can join us in prayer for this beautiful nation that’s longing for Jesus’ hope.

Most Indian pin (zip) codes have few if any Christians. These areas have been without gospel influence for centuries. Much spiritual preparation must take place. This involves strong and sustained prayer. Through prayer, God calls, prepares and sends His servants. He prepares the hearts of people and draws them to Himself. All this may take years of persistent praying and great patience, but remember the blessed results.

  1. Defeat of all spiritual opposition to the gospel.

  2. True religious freedom in all of India.

  3. More church planters to be trained to reach every Indian postal code with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

  4. Humility, unity and revival in India’s churches to reach India for Christ.

  5. Open hearts to Jesus Christ throughout India’s postal codes.

  6. Massive outreach of proclaimers of Christ and church-planters to all of India’s urban centers.

  7. Holy Spirit empowerment of Indian women and transformation of India’s youth.

  8. An end to India’s caste system.

  9. Effective outreach to Indians, the largest diaspora, living in over 160 nations.

  10. Completion of the Great Commission in India.

  11. Pray for strong churches in all 28,000+ pin (zip) codes of India

Pray with us